Friday, July 9, 2010

Friday's Frugal Food

Here's another frugal food tip:

Streeeeeeettcccchhhh your ground meat.  Most meals that call for ground meat can be stretched by adding lentils or rice to the meat.

For instance, I like to add brown rice to our taco meat.  Lentils go great in sloppy joes.  They both work in cheeseburgers (so does sister-in-law adds oatmeal to her cheeseburgers and they are so yummy!).  All three of those ingredients could be added to meatballs.  I think you get the drift.

If you want to do this, start slow.  Just add a little bit of rice/lentils to the meat and then slowly add a bit more every time you make that meal.  This is how I've done it and the carnivores in my family haven't complained!

How do you stretch your ground meat?


  1. Great idea's!! I've never tried oatmeal in hamburgers, but I bet it would work great! Maybe something to try this weekend for the BBQ!

  2. That's a really great idea - I think I'll be trying oats!

    I haven't stretched very well before. This is a perfect time to start as I'm trying to eat healthier anyway.


  3. I left something over at my blog for you :)

    Thanks for all your efforts in both blogging and commenting. So greatful for your friendship :)

  4. I add a lot of different vegetables, especially if it's something like sloppy joes. When they're chopped finely and cooked in well, you can hardly tell. I call it "meat sauce," serve over pasta, and call it a day. We once had 3 unexpected guests and I had to stretch about 300 grams of ground meat into a meal for 5 adults and a toddler - and no one could tell that it wasn't exactly what I had planned.

  5. What a fantastic idea!!!!! We freeze ours in one cup portions and make recipes that call for small portions of meat, mainly using the More With Less cookbook. It really does save a lot of money. I LOVE this idea though!!!!!!!
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