Saturday, January 15, 2011

Free eBook: The Minimalist Within

A friend of mine, Faith, has written a great ebook entitled, "The Minimalist Within".  You can download it for FREE on her website, Minimalist at Home.  It's a great book, especially for those who want to start/continue prioritizing and decluttering.  I actively try to maintain minimalism in our home and I tell ya, it saves us a lot of money in a lot of ways.

I didn't receive anything for this post, I'm just letting you all know about a great free resource available!

1 comment:

  1. This looks great. I'm on this mission as I speak. I have already got rid of about 5 bags of stuff and thrown about that much too. I'm taking the challenge over at org junkie's blog: to do one thing each week. So far, I've really got alot done in a short time. It also has lifted my depression somewhat, that is until stress strikes again! Anwyay, thanks for the freebie!
