Sunday, August 8, 2010

Garden of Weedn' Update

This time of the summer, most gardeners could probably do several blog posts a week because of how fast everything is growing. I'll try to spare you all the boring details and just stick to one post a week.

This is what I am getting from my garden every other day.

Peek-a-boo sunflowers.....time to bloom!

Yay! Little squash!

Jalapenos......mmmm.....I can taste the pico de gallo already!
(Why, yes, those are weeds and crabgrass in the background. Thanks for noticing.)


  1. lucky you, fresh produce on a regular basis from your own garden

  2. I lost almost all my peppers this year to some unknown pest. I have looked and cannot find what is eating the plants but the plants were in 3 different locations and I put in about 6 different varieties...I am ANNOYED!

